Friday, June 26

And, the beat goes on...

Woke up and started my day with a nice 4mile jog ;-)

I've gotta admit, I'm gettin' pretty geeked for my b-day, and vacation!!! It's coming up soooooo sooon! Today, I made some lunch and then hungout with a couple friends thru the afternoon. You would think I'd want to go out... I mean, it IS Friday and all, but I'm trying to save some money for this trip, youknow??

Not too sure what on the agenda for the rest of the evening, but I'ma prolly just chill out around the house maybe?? Probably have a couple people over? I'm not too sure but fk I dont mind haha "The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next." - Ursula K. LeGuin

PS. Huge post, I know hahaha fk it, I'ma kinda busy. Sorry!

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